Abacus learning programme provides significant benefits to children in enhancing the learning skills, photographic memory, visualisation skills, increasing speed, higher concentration, attaining accuracy and proficiency in all subjects. Due to this, this 2000 year old technique remain as the most sought after course for learning even at this digital age.

Abacus is a very foundational and systematic learning process which involves the movement of the beads with your eyes, and then think with your brain and make a move with your fingers. Abacus Learning traditionally consists of several levels depending on the Abacus vendor and is usually between 6-10. Each level is usually have a duration of 3 to 4 months, slightly varied based on the age of the student. Now, this takes a child approximately two years to get through all these levels and completely master abacus skills. It is however a challenging task. Many students withdraw before reaching a level of proficiency due to the fact that the depth of learning is deeper especially at higher levels. This can be avoided if a minimum level of parental support and motivation is given to the child during the practice session of Abacus. We have witnessed dramatic improvement in children’s skills and brain functioning with Abacus education which in turn enhances self-esteem in a highly positive way.

During growing years, kids learn faster, so, it would be great if you enroll your kids to an abacus classes at an early age. While we all want our children to achieve great heights in life, it’s important to underline that early childhood is the most crucial period especially for the development of brain and other cognitive skills. Any child who knows basic counting from 1 to 100 is technically qualified to be enrolled into Abacus classes.




1 Comment

  1. Düzenbaz ve üçkağıtçı korsan Jack Sparrow’un, hayalet gemi Uçan Hollandalı’€˜nın efsanevi korsanı Davy Jones’a kan borcu vardır. Sparrow, bu borcunu ödemediği takdirde sonsuza kadar onun kölesi olarak yaşayacaktır. Bu durumdan kurtulmanın tek yolu ise Ölü Adamın Sandığı’nı ele geçirmek ve böylelikle de Davy Jones’u kontrol edebilmektir. Leandro Grisson

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